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OZ Biosciences ViroMag R/L 1ml

Code: RL41000 D2-187

ViroMag R/L transduction reagent is a magnetic nanoparticles formulation optimised for retroviruses and lentiviruses. Based on the Magnetofection™ technology, this reagent allows concentratin...

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Your Price
£935.00 1ML
£1,122.00 inc. VAT

ViroMag R/L transduction reagent is a magnetic nanoparticles formulation optimised for retroviruses and lentiviruses. Based on the Magnetofection™ technology, this reagent allows concentrating the complete applied dose of retro/lentiviral particles onto cells within minutes, inducing a significant improvement of virus infectivity with extremely low vector doses. Due to its specific properties, ViroMag R/L is ideal to infect non permissive cells. This reagent demonstrates an exceptionally high efficiency to promote, control and assist viral transductions so that no molecular biology processes or biochemical modifications are required.

  • Increase transduction efficiency
  • Accelerate the transduction process
  • Efficient for hard-to-infect and non-permissive cells
  • Concentrate the viral dose onto the cells
  • Suitable for all type of retro/lentivirus
  • Synchronise cells adsorption/infection without modifications of the viruses
  • Can also be used for genome edition using the CRISPR-Cas9 system, it is designed for the transfection of a viral particle solution composed by either one viral vector or vectors encoding Cas9 and sgRNA

Unit Size
List Price
List Price: £135.00
Source:List Price
List Price: £244.00
Source:List Price
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