Test Strips Quantofix Nitrite

Code: MM91311 D2-205

QUANTOFIX® test strips are semi-quantitative in nature. They meet the most important requirements for a modern quick test. These test strips are for the rapid and reliable determination of Nit...

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£42.00 PK100
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QUANTOFIX® test strips are semi-quantitative in nature. They meet the most important requirements for a modern quick test. These test strips are for the rapid and reliable determination of Nitrite in solutions. The easy dip-and-read-procedure provides a reliable result within 1 minute.

Nitrite is a contamination indicator and therefore an important parameter that is tested regularly in a wide variety of settings. To determine the nitrite concentration, very often nitrite test strips are used. 

Nitrite is an undesired byproduct in cooling lubricants. It allows the formation of carcinogenic compounds. Cooling lubricants are therefore regularly tested with nitrite test strips. 

Additionally, nitrite is an important parameter for aquacultures and fish farming. Nitrite is formed in the decomposition of organic material. High levels can lead to the disruption of filtration units. Moreover, long-term exposure can be harmful to fish. In natural and drinking water Nitrite can lead to infant mortality and dead aquatic life. The EPA primary drinking water standard is 1 mg/l. Nitrite test strips are ideal to use for water control due to the quick and easy procedure.

Nitrite test strips are also important in quality controls of food, e.g. meats and spinach. Excessive amounts of nitrite can potentially be harmful to consumers, especially to infants.

QUANTOFIX® nitrite test strips are the ideal choice to check nitrite levels quickly and easily.

TypeSemi-quantitative test strips
PresentationTube of 100 test strips
Color Reactionwhite → red-violet
Gradation0 · 1 · 5 · 10 · 20 · 40 · 80 mg/l NO2- (Nitrite)
Measuring Range1–80 mg/L NO2-
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