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Jenway 3520 Advanced Digital pH Meter Kit with GLP; 230 VAC/UK

Code: PHM1214 D2-126

The 3510 is a versatile, simple to use pH, mV and temperature meter that is ideal for routine analysis. With up to three decimal place resolution and a choice of up to three calibration points the ...

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Your Price
£951.00 EACH
£1,141.20 inc. VAT

3 Year Warranty
Service Centre
Made In Britain
Calibration Service

The 3510 is a versatile, simple to use pH, mV and temperature meter that is ideal for routine analysis. With up to three decimal place resolution and a choice of up to three calibration points the 3510 provides the user with added flexibility where future demands for enhanced performance may be required. A choice of pH calibration buffers to DIN, JIS and NIST standards can be used for automatic calibration, as well as manually entered buffer values.

The 3520 dynamic pH/mV meter offers research grade specifications with a comprehensive range of features and functions, making it suitable for the broadest range of research, general laboratory, QC and GLP based applications. The built in data logger can store, print or output readings based on a wide range of trigger options, making this model suitable for monitoring and controlling pH levels.

pH Range–2.00 to +19.999–2.00 to +20.000
pH Resolution0.0001/0.01/0.1
pH Accuracy±0.003
Range, mV±1999
Resolution, mV0.1/1
Accuracy, mV±0.2
Temperature Range, °C–10 to +105
Resolution, °C0.1
Accuracy, °C±0.5
ATC Range, °C0 to 100
OutputsAnalogue and RS232Analogue, RS232 and IrDA
StorageUp to 32 resultsUp to 500 results
Alarm Points–2.000 to 19.999pH
GLPCalibration reminder interval (1 to 999hrs) alarm outputs (open collector and audible). Security code protected data
Dims, l x w x d, mm210 x 250 x 55
Weight, g850
Supplied withGlass combination pH electrode (924 005), electrode stand and holder, ATC probe (027 500), BNC shorting plug, pH 4, 7 and 10 buffer sachets, UK power supply
Unit Size
List Price
List Price: £669.00
Source:List Price
Dims, w x d x h, mm210 x 250 x 55
Range, pH-2 to 20
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