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Meridian Bioscience MyTaq Red Mix - 200 Reactions

Code: BIO25043 D2-33

MyTaq™ Red Mix is a ready-to-use 2x mix for fast, highly-specific PCR. The advanced formulation of MyTaq Red Mix exhibits more robust amplification than other commonly used polymerases, deliv...

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Your Price
£110.00 EACH
£132.00 inc. VAT

MyTaq™ Red Mix is a ready-to-use 2x mix for fast, highly-specific PCR. The advanced formulation of MyTaq Red Mix exhibits more robust amplification than other commonly used polymerases, delivering very high yield over a wide range of PCR templates and also at significantly faster PCR reaction times without compromising PCR specificity or yield. These features makes MyTaq Red Mix the ideal choice for most routine assays. MyTaq Red Mix contains all the necessary reagents required for trouble-free PCR set up, including MyTaq buffer, dNTPs, MgCl2, enhancers and stabilizers. MyTaq Red Mix is supplied in a convenient all-in-one-tube format and only requires the addition of template, primers and water, thereby reducing the number of pipetting steps and facilitating increased efficiency, throughput and reproducibility. The specially designed MyTaq Red formulation does not interfere with the PCR reaction and allows users to load samples directly onto a gel after the PCR without the need to add loading buffer. The red dye migrates like a 350bp fragment on a 2% agarose TAE gel (or 600bp on a 1% agarose).


  • All-in-one tube mastermix
  • New generation Taq with superior performance
  • Increased sensitivity and speed
  • Robust and high yield across a wide range of templates


  • High-throughput PCR
  • Specific amplification of complex templates
  • Robust amplification of GC-rich sequences
  • Routine PCR applications
  • TA cloning

Components: MyTaq Mix

Concentration: 2x

Storage Conditions: MyTaq Red Mix can be stored for up to 12 months at -20°C, or up to 2 weeks at +4°C. Repeated freeze/thaw cycles should be avoided.

Unit Size
List Price
List Price: £471.00
Source:List Price
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