CDS Analytical LLC recently acquired the rights to Empore products from 3M Purification Inc. For an interim phase, you may receive products packaged with either manfacturer′s branding.
Features and Benefits
Reduced elution volume (≤ 100 µL) allows for direct inject procedured or reduced eluate evaporation times Allows for faster flow-rates without risk of recovery and reproducibility loss Proprietary pre-filter reduces risk of clogging Luer tip collar eliminates potential cross-contamination
General description
Empore membrane SPE technology comprises of SPE particles tightly enmeshed within a network of inert PTFE fibrils (90% SPE particles : 10% PTFE, by weight). The SPE-membrane fabrication process results in a highly dense and uniform extraction medium that offers distinct advantages over traditional sorbent/packed-bed SPE products. Empore SPE technology provides a denser, more uniform extraction bed than traditional packed bed products allowing for smaller bed weights, shorter analyte to pore diffusion paths, and more efficient extractions.The Empore 96-well line is ideal for high throughput SPE allowing users to process up to 96 samples in parallel. The unique Empore technology comprises of a series of polypropylene (PP) pre-filters that are layed on top of the SPE disk. The PP pre-filter acts as depth filter that provides faster flow-rates and reduces the risk of clogging. Save Time & Money: Reduced SPE Bed Mass = Reduced SPE Solvent & Elution Volumes Minimize SPE eluate evaporation time Potentially allows for direct injection of the SPE eluate Dense & Uniform Extraction Medium = No SPE Channeling and Voiding Efficient mass-transfer kinetics allow for faster flow rates Eliminate SPE fines improving column and instrument life
Designed for sealing unused portions of a 96-well filter/SPE plate during vacuum processing. Each sheet is comprised of a polypropylene fil coated with a synthetic rubber adhesive. Each sheet is coupled with a liner tab for easy handling and dispensing.
Legal Information
Empore is a trademark of CDS Analytical
Note: Empore 96-well SPE products are NOT compatible with Supelco PlatePrep vacuum manifolds (Cat. No. 57192-U and 575650-U). Empore 96-well vacuum manifold (Cat. No. 66879-U) is recommended for use with Empore 96-well products.
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