SteriWare Volumetric Spoons enable set volumes to be accurately measured and sampled. These popular spoons are suitable for use with powders, granules, liquids, gels and suspensions.
The complete Volumetric Spoon range is manufactured and packed in a cleanroom. They are designed to be used straight from the bag which eliminates the risk of cross contamination and means there is no costly cleaning.
SteriWare Volumetric Spoons are available sterile and non-sterile. All SteriWare products are manufactured from high quality FDA, EC and food grade polymers.
A wide range of sizes from 1mL to 20mL are available from stock. Special sizes are available on request. The long handle keeps hands away from the material being sampled or measured.
This product has met the following criteria:
 | Sustainable Distribution & Packaging Award | - Manufactured in the UK or Ireland
- Country of origin has an Environmental Performance Index (EPI) greater than 60
To find out more about our Sustainability Attributes, click here.