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Diethylenetriaminepentamethylenephosphonic acid heptasodium salt, 25 % (w/v) in H2O, approx.55% (based on active acid and salt), aqueous solution

Code: D2565-25ML D2-231


Used for the removal of metal ions, and may have potential biological properties as a chelator. Thorium complexes of DTPMPA are preferentially localized in bone r...

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Your Price
£35.40 25ML
£42.48 inc. VAT


Used for the removal of metal ions, and may have potential biological properties as a chelator. Thorium complexes of DTPMPA are preferentially localized in bone rather than soft tissue, offering potential as targeted radiotherapeutic agents.


25, 500 mL in glass bottle

assay~55% (based on active acid and salt)
concentration25 % (w/v) in H2O
formaqueous solution
mp-13 °C
pH6.0-8.0 (1% in H2O)
storage temp.room temp
transition tempfreezing point −13 °C
Unit Size
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