BD™ P800 delivers enhanced accuracy in measuring plasma metabolic markers such as Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1), Glucagon, non-acyl Ghrelin, Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP), and Oxyntomodulin (OXM) by stabilising them at the point of collection. BD™ P800 is an evacuated blood collection tube containing a proprietary cocktail of protease inhibitors, specifically optimised for stabilisation of metabolic markers. The plasma obtained by processing the BD™ P800 tube can be used immediately, transported, or stored frozen.
- For research use only – it is not for use in diagnostic procedures
- Tube material: plastic
- Closure type: BD Hemogard™
- Closure colour: clear
- Label: paper
- Cell separator: No
- Anticoagulant: K2EDTA
- Additive: proprietary Cocktail of Protease, Esterase and DPP-IV Inhibitors
- Sterilisation: radiation , 10-6 SAL , ISO11137-1
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