Analysis Note
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Capto™ Q has a strong quaternary ammonium (Q) anion exchanger coupled to a chemically modified, high-fLow Agarose matrix. The modified Agarose matrix provides greater particle rigidity without compromising pore size, which allows more flexibility in process-scale applications. High dynamic binding capacity is achieved with a Dextran surface extender that coats the Agarose matrix.
Features and Benefits
High-throughput medium for capture and intermediate purification, excellent choice for process-scale purification. The combined properties of high binding capacity, high flow rate, and Low back pressure reduces process cycle times and improves productivity at process scale. Rigid Agarose matrix enables high bed heights and purification of viscous samples at high flow rates. Strong quaternary ammonium (Q) anion exchanger.
General description
HiTrap® Capto™ Q is a strong anion exchanger prepacked with BioProcess Capto™ media for screening, and small-scale protein purifications using ion exchange chromatography (IEX).
Legal Information
Capto is a trademark of Cytiva
HiTrap is a registered trademark of Cytiva
Storage and Stability
Store at 4 to 30 °C (20% Ethanol)
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