The Eppendorf centrifuge bundle packages offer a selection of centrifuges supplied with rotorsa and adaptors to meet specific needs.
The Cell Culture Centrifuge Bundles are optimised for swingbucket rotor applications in standard 15 mL and 50 mL Falcon® tubes and the new swing-bucket rotors increase the capacity of Centrifuges 5804/5804 R to 4 × 250mL and Centrifuges 5810/5810 R to 4 × 750 mL.
The Clinical Centrifuge Bundle is optimised for Centrifuge 5702 R with adapters for 13 mm and 16 mm blood collection tubes or urine tubes.
Cell Culture Centrifuge Bundle includes
- Centrifuge 5702, 5804/ 5804 R or 5810/ 5810 R
- Swing-bucket rotor incl. buckets
- Four adapters for 15mL Falcon® tubes (2 x 2mL)
- Four adapters for 50mL Falcon® tubes (2 x 2mL)
Clinical Centrifuge Bundle includes
- Centrifuge 5702 R
- Swing-bucket rotor A-4-38 incl. round buckets
- Four adapters for 13 mm blood collection tubes or urine tubes (2 x 2mL)
- Four adapters for 16 mm blood collection tubes or urine tubes (2 x 2mL)
This product has met the following criteria:
 | Sustainable Distribution & Packaging Award | - Country of origin has an Environmental Performance Index (EPI) greater than 60
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